Sunday, January 24, 2010

Good Mail from Nana Part 2

We are so lucky Nana accepts special requests! Here are Gabriela and I in our new matching aprons!!! Gabriela loves to "do the dishes". When she gets her apron on, she immediately tries to push a chair to the sink. She is constantly asking for water at the sink "aguaaguaaguaagua" and bubbles and then she insists on drinking the dish water from something impossible like a bottle lid or ittie bittie spoon. She has a blast every time!We are going to get tons of use out of our new aprons! Thanks, Nana!


banananutmeg said...

I love the matchy matchy aprons! You're going to cherish this photo forever.
Also-beautiful kitchen!

Mom said...

You're welcome. Glad you like the matchy aprons!

David Clower said...

I STILL use the apron that Christianne and mom made me years makes the food taste better - enjoy!