Monday, May 16, 2011

Gabriela Says...

reaction to my haircut:
"It's too short! It's not growing longer, it's not growing longer!"

On getting caught getting into stuff:
me: Gabriela, what are you doing?
G (immediately springing into my sight): I LOVE YOU, Mommy!

On being a big sister:
"Mommy, I think we should teach our baby signs. Let's teach the train sign to the baby"
"Rockabye, baby in the tree tops...and big sister will catch you, cradle and all"

After the chef at the Indian restaurant told her he would make her a nice mango curry the next time she came back:
"Mommy, why that man was talking Spanish?"
this confirms my theory that, to Gabriela, Spanish means any language that is not English.

On working it:
"Mommy, can you please cuddle with me because you're the best mommy in the whole world"

1 comment:

heather said...

yes you are! and she's the best heart melter in the whole world!