Friday, May 27, 2011


A couple weeks ago, we got some shocker news from the midwife. My blood test results indicated that I had a 1 in 7 chance of carrying a baby with Down Syndrome and we were referred to the genetic counselors.

This completely surprised me. In fact, I had actually told Lane before that I wasn't at all worried about growing a healthy baby - I knew my body knew how to do it. There went that theory.

The genetic counselors confirmed the midwife results. There were three indicators they were looking at, and all three combined pointed in the Down Syndrome direction. When I was pregnant with Gabriela, the odds they gave me were 1 in 5,000 I think. just for comparison.

Our options were to wait and see (yeah, right), get the 2nd trimester blood screening, which is just a screening and in order to be in the clear, I would have to get a 1 in 200 stat. I was already at 1 in 7. Or, I could have an amniocentesis. It's an invasive procedure, and there is risk of miscarriage. But the risk is 1 in 400.  So I had it done then and there. It was the only way to know for sure, since they analyze each of the chromosomes. And then we had to wait 10 to 14 days for the results.

Even though they got back to me in 9 days, it was a long wait. Instead of thinking about baby names, or deciding on the best cloth diaper options, or even worrying about the birth, I was thinking of much heavier things like whether or not our family could handle such a challenge.  I tried my best not to stress about it too much - my worrying wouldn't change the results. But let's get real. How can you not worry about it?

We are so relieved that our baby is healthy. I can't imagine spending the rest of my pregnancy worrying and wondering if everything would be okay. 


Regina said...

So happy to hear baby #2 is healthy! :)

Annie said...

Jesse and I kept you in our thoughts and prayers and we are also very relieved that the test revealed what we knew to be there: a healthy Grover baby, as you already knew you could make. You are an incredible, strong, beautiful woman and mother Elena. Lane is SO lucky you settled for him ;) Hehehe.

Gilbert Family said...

that is so scary! i am glad the baby grover is happy and heathy. there are so many fears and worries of things that can go wrong when you are pregnant. you are so lucky to have such a supportive family close by to be with you every step and love you and your baby no matter what. keep doing what you are doing and your baby will be good. take care!

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

I was 20 weeks along when we found out about Trinity's heart condition. It turned my pregnancy from Happy stuff like "What to expect when you're expecting" to worries and depression. So I'm extremely grateful you're little one is nice and healthy...

Theresa said...

Elena for one I am very pleased you have a happy healthy baby boy growing inside you. But if things weren't so. You could totally handle it. You are a very smart and strong woman. I really did not want to say much as you were going through enough, with worrying and hormones. I know you would have researched everything that anyone would have known about it. You will do fine with anything that comes your way hard or not. Love you.

heather said...

oh gosh i haven't responded to your email yet. it has been so busy! but i remember wondering if getting genetics test was a normal procedure they they do around here for every pregnancy, and i figured it was. i had no idea you were having to go through that! i don't know what i would do. i'm so happy you won't be worrying about this for the rest of your pregnancy!! Love and hugs, sweet elena!