Thursday, November 3, 2011

38 weeks report

So the car seat is in the van, Gabriela has given our new double stroller the thumbs up, the hospital bags are packed, the cosleeper is assembled and ready, we even had professional maternity/family photos taken last week (for free!) and toured the hospital a few nights ago.

I am feeling less anxious about managing two kiddos and more and more excited about the baby's arrival.  I continue to have mini contractions, but they aren't painful or regular or increasing in strength yet. They are certainly uncomfortable sometimes. I think my body is just warming up for the big day. I am trying to take time to rest every afternoon, and still do things like organize the cabinets, laundry, and even cook dinner (most nights), even though I am awake for several hours out of every night it seems. Apparently, I'm also adjusting my future sleep schedule.

I went to the midwife on Wednesday who said things are still pretty much the same as last week, except that I am now one entire cm dilated. While the baby is positioned very low, he's still not engaged in my pelvis yet. I've been a little more adventurous the past few days, letting Gabriela ride her bike to the park (which means power waddling for me), and we even went to Fairyland.

No real news to report yet, just letting you know we are plugging along waiting for signs of Baby's arrival.

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