Monday, November 14, 2011

Big Sister Meets Baby Brother

 We couldn't wait for Gabriela to come to the hospital to meet her little brother.  We were a little nervous too, about how she would react.  I'd done my best to prep her, but you never know. 

She walked in and saw Grandma holding Easton and asked who that was.  Gabriela came with a "Welcome Easton" banner that Auntie Liss helped her make. 

She came right up to me and asked me for the chocolate I said she could have when she visited me at the hospital.  This kid doesn't forget ANYTHING.  I gave her a chocolate cigar that we had, which she happily munched on. But then she reminded me that this was not the right chocolate.  We got chocolates at Costco, and she wanted to eat those.  Well, I had already given those to the Labor and Delivery nurses, but she settled for some big sister presents instead.
 After that, Gabriela was ready to meet her brother. She was so sweet and gentle with him.  She patted him on the head, kissed him, helped Lane calm him down when he was fussy, inspected Easton's little toes, helped with a diaper change.  What an awesome big sister!  We were so proud of her.  And, it was so precious to hear her referring to her brother as Easton Michael over and over again.

The next day, Auntie Liss and Gabriela went on a date to the Build a Bear Workshop where she made a bear with love for her Baby Brother. How darling is that?  Here Gabriela is introducing Peter Pan bear to Easton.
 Have you ever seen such a big genuine smile?  This girl is a champ.  Our first night home with him, Gabriela rushed to settle her fussy baby brother.  She turned on the music in a bouncer and grabbed Easton's blankie, wrapped him up and he settled down.  I didn't do a thing.
 Kisses for Baby Brother
Later that night she had a meltdown.  I think she's been through a lot and she hasn't been napping.  Gabriela sobbed because she wanted to lay next to Easton in his cosleeper at bedtime.  In between great big alligator tears she managed to say, "BUT IT MAKES ME SAD!!! I want to sleep next to Baby Easton because I LOVE HIM!!!!!" 

Doesn't it break your heart?!? It sure broke mine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Total broken heart. I love that girl.