Sunday, November 27, 2011

Easton meets more cousins

Last weekend, my brother Tim and his family came to meet one week old Easton. We were so grateful that they made the drive up from Hollister to spend the afternoon with us. The boys watched the 49er game, the girls played (and played and played), Kristie was an angel and did my dishes and laundry, but also got in lots of Easton snuggle time, and I made some chicken soup for us to enjoy on the cold rainy day. 
It was perfect. 
 Uncle Tim with Easton (in full 49er gear)
 Mina was so sweet, she couldn't stop saying how cute Easton was.  She really was in love.
Caetlin and Mina kissing on Easton.  They are such sweet big cousins!
 Auntie Kristie getting her snuggle time.  (Easton is in a pink blankie because Gabriela went and got one for him from her stash.) 
And this is a good snapshot of how the rest of the afternoon went.  Caetlin with a  colander on her head and no pants on, while Gabriela and Mina are rocking out.

After they left, we got in the car and drove to Oakland for dinner with Uncle Nate and Auntie Liss.  Chaney got to meet Easton for the first time.  Chaney is the sweetest, most tender hearted 10 year old boy I know.  He is just in heaven when he is holding Easton. He asks to hold him all the time, and could sit there with him for ages.

Not only did Meliss make a totally delicious turkey pot pie for dinner, she made an extra one to send us home with. Yay!!!

Easton had a pretty busy day for being only 8 days old!

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