Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What a day

Yesterday was awesome.

Gabriela stayed in her jammies all day long, which she thought was fabulous.

When we woke up, she stayed in bed and cuddled with me for a long time, and then finally broke our sleepy morning silence by asking me to sing her Christmas song (after Christmas song after Christmas song). Then she made up her own Christmas song. She sang about polar bears and children and reindeer and Santa. 

After that, Gabriela asked if we could play a board game in bed.  Why not?!?  So we did.

We had breakfast. She played quietly while I took a shower.

Gabriela asked to write people letters on her stationary.  That girl loves to draw and dictate letters.  She wrote one after the other after the other - FIVE letters, all with fancy pictures on them.

We cuddled.  Even though we finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last week, Gabriela asked to reread a specific chapter. She even remembered the name of the chapter!  Veruca and the Nut Room. So we read it and then fell asleep together.

After nap time we drew some more. We even ate popcorn at lunch time.  It's a whole grain, you know. We drew more pictures and she wanted to practice writing letter B over and over again (all on her own). Then we cut and glued together some Thanksgiving turkeys.  Gabriela suggested we make one for baby brother after he is born. Is that sweet or what?

Gabriela asked to watch Fantastic Mr. Fox and suggested I make pumpkin muffins while she did, but only if she could taste the batter.  So I did.  And after dinner, G announced that we were all going to cuddle together and finish the movie.  Who can say no to family cuddle time when requested by a cute little three year old?!?  We read stories at night and she drifted off to sleep. 

It was perfection, really. No screaming, fussing, tantrums, not listening, or acting like a stinker. She saved all that for today and gave me at least a double dose, maybe more. 

Here's to hoping my little angel will be back after nap time.

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