Sunday, November 6, 2011

Things I need to remember

It still isn't even my due date.

Even though I have lots of mild contractions every night, and never seem to go into labor, these contractions are preparing my body for the big day (whenever that may be). I should be thankful that I can make this progress without being in pain and that I have the chance to take naps and rest up.

Last time, all these pre-labor contractions were so intense and painful - it was impossible to rest or do anything but make it through the contractions. Lane and I were both totally exhausted long before Gabriela arrived.  I should be glad that (so far) I can continue preparing our nest, spend special time with Gabriela, and feed and care for my family through this.

I guess the longer the wait, the better the chances of having our camera repaired and back.  That's right, one week before my due date, we sent our camera in to finally be repaired. It broke in February.  Luckily, the staff approved expedited processing due to my current giant state. 

But, I'm not gonna lie, it's starting to get a little frustrating. Contractions are enough to keep me awake, but not strong enough to be painful. It's mostly at night, so I'm not getting much rest.  Every day I wonder if it's the real deal. I'm not sure if I should be out and about being super active and trying to get this baby out, or if I should be relaxing and resting so I can save my energy for the birth.  But what if the birth isn't for days and days more?

Our little man will be here soon enough. He will come when he's ready.  I am obviously having a hard time being patient.

I'm ready for showtime, people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He'll be here soon! Warm showers helped me relax. Maybe they'll help you out too.