Monday, November 14, 2011

40 week appointment.

I was a little discouraged when I showed up at my (almost) 40 week appointment and the midwife said I was STILL just 1.5 cm dilated. Since I had been having mild contractions for nearly two weeks, I was sure that I'd be further along than that.  The midwife started talking about doing non-stress tests and what we would do if I was still pregnant around Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving, people!!!  I decided there was no way I would still be pregnant then.

So I had to step up my game. Before I was just antsy, now I was nervous about getting induced.  So I started eating spicy food, pineapple, and I took a looooooong walk after dropping Gabriela off at preschool.  And then I called an acupuncturist.  I'd never been to acupuncture before.  She said she could help me and had an opening for me that same afternoon.  Thank goodness Heather was available to watch Gabriela on such short notice - how great it is to have friends in the same town!!!

The acupuncturist specializes in women's health and let me know she was giving me a session not to induce labor, but to help me with relaxation and dilation.  After I was dilated more, she said she'd do another session to help induce contractions. She was awesome, and gave me a booklet with acupressure techniques for labor and suggested that Lane come for the next appointment so she could teach him how to help give me some relief during labor. 

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