And I want to see 100 things about you :)
1. I LOVE to cook for other people, but see no point in cooking a meal just for myself.
2. I have owned
What to Expect When You're Expecting since 2003.
3. I try to bring my lunch to work every day.
4. I suck at keeping in touch with long distance friends.
5. I hate making small talk.
6. I had a crush on Lane in 7th grade.
7. I love my brothers and sisters to pieces.
8. I think yoga is amazing, but I can't commit.
9. I love the beach but am scared of the ocean.
10. I wish I knew how to stylishly decorate my home.
11. I don't like to go grocery shopping by myself.
12. I love to read.
13. I am proud of myself for having enough guts to move across the country, and adore my husband for happily starting this new adventure with me.
14. I've had this deathly fear of singing alone my whole life. I hope to get over it one day.
15. I am an over achiever.
16. I only have the motivation to clean my apartment when I invite people over to it.
17. I check every morning before getting ready for the day.
18. I wish I went to the Smithsonian museums more frequently.
19. I like to precisely plan every detail of my life. I'm crazy about check lists.
20. I have really weird dreams ALL the time.
21. I miss having a garden.
22. I have this insane ability to memorize things.
23. I really enjoy thunder and lightning.
24. I don't think I contact my nieces and nephews nearly as often as I should, and it makes me feel like a bad auntie sometimes.
25. I appreciate that my job has enabled me to learn about people in other parts of the world. It makes me feel grateful for the opportunities I've had.
26. I am a lizard. I love being out in the sunshine - but I am also the sunscreen police.
27. Religion is not for me.
28. I pick up the free morning paper, just to do the crossword puzzle.
29. I always notice the shape of people's eyebrows.
30. I talk to myself in Spanish sometimes (when I'm alone) so I don't completely lose it.
31. I read my friends' blogs religiously.
32. I was meant to be a mommy.
33. I'd like to audition for another play soon.
34. I have a song stuck in my head at all times.
35. I'm not really big on celebrating my birthday.
36. I photo-document every occasion I possibly can.
37. I *always* cry at weddings,
38. One day I want to go to South America.
39. I'm nosy.
40. I always carefully read the snapple cap trivia, in case the question pops up in Cranium (it's happened before).
41. Typographical errors pop out at me like flashing red lights.
42. I track all my accomplishments at work so I can include them all in my quarterly performance evaluations. (see number 15)
43. I love to dance.
44. I wish I made tamales like my mom does - but I haven't gathered the courage to try without her.
45. I am a professional at getting lost; I have absolutely zero sense of direction.
46. Lane is my bestest friend.
47. My alarm in the morning is set to National Public Radio.
48. I like to buy Christmas ornaments from places I visit.
49. I am OCD girl about arriving places on time - just not for work.
50. I hate conflict and try to avoid it at all costs.
51. It's important for me to help others in need.
52. It drives me crazy when people don't recycle.
53. I love the big city.
54. I never ever drive anymore, and I don't miss it one tiny bit.
55. I don't drink soda or coffee.
56. I hate the sound of other people clipping their nails.
57. I want to go out on another disaster relief assignment with the Red Cross - maybe even emergency family linking for an international disaster.
58. I am super resourceful.
59. I discovered I like being in the spotlight when I started doing theatre.
60. I simply can't start cooking a meal in a messy kitchen, but I have no problem leaving it that way when I'm done.
61. When I get ready in the morning, I do things in the same order every time.
62. I bring cute shoes to wear to work, but the California girl in me can't resist wearing flip-flops all day.
63. I learned more about California culture by moving to the east coast.
64. I miss having huge bbq's in Gilroy with our amazing friends, superb cooking, and all the guitar playing and singing.
65. I haven't been to the beach on the east coast since I moved here, and that was almost two years ago.
66. I'm not a vegetarian, but I only eat meat about once a week.
67. I still feel like a kid, and wonder if I'll ever truly feel like a old grownup.
68. I love that Lane makes me laugh til I cry.
69. I somehow started receiving Parents magazine in the mail without ever ordering or paying for it. And I read it cover to cover.
70. I'm mad about decorating for Christmas, but can't stand taking down the decorations.
71. I've been introverted my whole life; I'm proud of myself for changing that and expanding my circle of east coast friends.
72. I think about making a cookbook for my brothers and sisters who aren't yet experts in the kitchen (but I know they will be).
73. I secretly like watching crappy tv like the E! Channel
74. I never yell at people.
75. I absolutely detest ants.
76. I'm not spontaneous. at all.
77. I always check out people's shoes as I'm walking on the escalator.
78. I get irritated by people who think they are experts on *everything*
79. I don't like beets or octopus, but I'll eat almost anything else.
80. It sounds weird when Lane actually calls me by my name.
81. I worry about my CA family being ready for an earthquake.
82. I don't like to borrow books. I'd much rather buy them and keep them in my library forever. It's a part of who I am.
83. I love teaching people new things.
84. I own children's books. I have no children.
85. I discovered alcohol about three years ago.
86. I wish I was more creative and crafty.
87. Cuddling is the best.
88. I'm all about scents. I love the smells of cucumber, fresh cilantro, almonds, mango, mmm.
89. I'm not nearly as informed about the news as I feel I should be.
90. I (mostly) can't resist a coupon from Banana Republic.
91. I enjoy people watching.
92. I sometimes lose track of time reading about people on MySpace.
93. I wish my body were more toned - but that would require doing exercise.
94. I have a scarf obsession.
95. I admire my dad for being so strong in times of crisis (there have been a few), for realizing his dream of having a vineyard, and for memorizing the lyrics to "I'm a Redneck Woman" and singing it at karaoke.
96. I admire my mom for staying sane while raising six kids and for teaching me that I can do something to make the world a better place.
97. I smile at strangers and say hello.
98. I love to buy magnets of famous art when I visit museums.
99. I'm proud of how I've lived my life so far.
100. I had no idea it would take me this long to come up with 100 things about myself. Man, you think you know someone.