Friday, June 22, 2007

The Lost Birth of Venus

You may be wondering what all these photos have in common. Well, the answer is a beautiful necklace that Lane gave me a couple years ago for my birthday, which*sniff* I cannot find!!

Let me just tell you the story of this necklace. One day, my sister Cynthia and I went to yoga at this place in Morgan Hill, CA. We decided to pop in an independent artist's shop afterward. They had all sorts of amazing jewelry there, but something that particularly caught my eye was this necklace of a framed replica of Botticelli's Birth of Venus. When I got home, Lane and I were talking and I mentioned what a cool find that store was and how original and beautiful everything there was. I had mentioned the necklace in passing, just because I thought it was such a cool idea, but didn't give it a second thought.

What I didn't know was that Lane really paid attention, secretly called my sister, asked her where the store was and asked her to describe the necklace I mentioned. When I woke up on my birthday about two weeks later, there it was in a little box next to my bed. I was extremely surprised, and really proud of Lane for doing something so special - it was very unlike him.

I don't know how it happened, but I can't find my necklace anywhere. I am so upset with myself :( I have been in denial for the past few weeks, hoping it would show up. But nothing. I felt so terrible telling Lane I lost the present that he so thoughtfully purchased for me almost two years ago. Man, I stink.


kljackson15 said...

Oh Elena...I am so sorry about the necklace. That's the worst feeling in the world, especially when it involves something so meaningful. I feel like it will turn keep your head up :)

kljackson15 said...

Oh - and hooray for Lane. That is such a romantic gesture.