Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Unthinkable Kitchen Catastrophe

Yesterday the unthinkable happened in my kitchen. People, I ran out of garlic. We had used the last of the fresh garlic the other day and I had just scraped the last bit of crushed garlic out of our quart sized jar from Gilroy (the garlic capital of the world). I don't think this has ever happened to me before. Alas.

Aside from this mild catastrophe, I put together a new dish last night. Heated up some olive oil with red pepper flakes and then added the fresh green beans for some saute action. After they'd cooked a couple minutes I added a couple tablespoons of soy sauce, some fresh grated ginger and then drizzled it all with honey. They were delicious - a little spicy, salty and sweet all together. You should try it.

And since I'm on a kitchen theme here, have you ever eaten grilled pineapple? My cousin grilled some fresh pineapple over the weekend. The sweetness is so much more intense, and the warm sweet tender fruit is unbelievable. I've got to try it at home soon. Add some green beans, some basmati rice and maybe some teriyaki chicken and i'll be good to go.


kljackson15 said...

Wow - that truly is a tragedy. I have a big jar you are welcome to borrow anytime :)

The green bean dish sounds very interesting, especially since it combines all the flavor cravings!

I haven't eaten grilled pineapple, but you've just made me long for it!

Anonymous said...

green beans sound good but grilled pineapple?!?!? GROSS!!!!!

the yummest thing i can think of right now is peanut butter and celery with gummi bears. yum!

Scott said...

That ain't right. Nah... That ain't right at all.

For some reason when I read Kryztie's comment, I pictured something like a chicken salad, except with peanut butter as the Mayo, and the celery/ gummi bears chopped up in it.