Monday, September 24, 2007

Where the Weekend Took Us

Last weekend was the first in about two months where we had absolutely nothing planned. Lane called me on Friday night to say he and some guys at work had a happy hour at Champps in Pentagon Row. I went along for the fun, but couldn’t help wondering if Katie and Marc were around. After all, Pentagon Row *is* their favorite hang out joint. Lane even asked if I thought they’d be around. I sent Katie a text message asking if she was in Pentagon Row, but no response. A little while later we went inside to close out our tab and go home, and who do you think we saw across the bar?!?! Our dear friends, Katie and Marc! Needless to say, we didn’t end up going home. It was so fun to run into them! (and I even remember the name of one of the Yankees: Jorge Posada)

Lane and I decided to go on a date on Saturday night. We went up to Thai Place in DC where they have Lane’s absolute favorite green curry. We have sampled green curries all over the DC area, and it wins. I went a little overboard and had a coconut frenzy of a dinner. We’re talking piƱa colada, coconut soup appetizer, panang curry (with coconut milk) and mango and sticky rice for dessert. I just couldn’t resist. We had a good time despite the abundance of GW students there.

Lane had to go in to work for a few hours on Sunday, and when he got back we went to look at some new condos. This was a on a total whim. We’ve been talking about possibly selling our place in CA and buying one here and then yesterday saw these condos had a weekend special with $50,000 to use for anything – closing costs, buying down points on the loan, toward the sales price, condo fees, whatever.

We looked at the 2 bedroom 2 bath condos and they were super nice – hardwood floors, decent kitchens, walk in closets, etc. We both liked them so much we decided to pay an earnest deposit and see if we could possibly make the numbers work to actually buy something AND hold onto our CA place. Well, after TWO hours of talking to a loan agent last night, we learned that there are some good loans out there through FHA, the Federal Housing Authority, but we’d still have to sell our place in CA. Therefore, instead of stopping by to deliver a check tonight, we are stopping by to say no thanks. It’s kind of funny because this was totally random and quick. I’m a little disappointed. I mean that second bedroom could have lots of possibilities… So, if anyone needs a copy of the condo documents at The Brittany Condos, just let me know.

1 comment:

kljackson15 said...

Look at you and your Yanks knowledge!!!

Condos suck anyway - tee hee!