Thursday, October 25, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Today is my Dad's b-day. What can I say about this guy?!? He says he learned what family was when he married my mom. He's a French Language major turned software engineer who planted a vineyard and makes kick-ass wine. And he also tells corny jokes.
Lane used to be really scared of my dad in high school, I think everyone was. But they ended up being super buddies. And some how, Lane tells jokes like my dad, erupts in song like my dad, and says things my dad says. :)
He's a great dad and Papa. He used to be in the school plays and sing in the choir. Maybe I got that from him. He's the kind of guy you want on your side, and is definitely strong in times of crisis.
He also just knows how to have a good time, just look at his collection of rings.

Okay, those aren't really his. They're my cousins. But he posed great for the picture.


Anonymous said...

I'm so scared I can even leave a name. Happy Birthday, Mr. Clower. I like the longer hair.

banananutmeg said...

just thought i'd pop in and let you know i stopped by :o)

BTW...i too, was terrified of your dad. He once yelled at me for calling your house too late at night. He was pretty scary and i think i believed him when he said he would send police to my house if i ever called that late again!