Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Weekend

Lane and I were planning to attend a party on Saturday night. Last week, I ordered a costume from It was this awesome pirate wench costume. But Saturday morning it hadn't arrived, but I was sure it would be in the mail that afternoon.

We went to Party Depot and Party City looking for a costume for Lane. For three years he has wanted to be JESUS, the big J.C. for Halloween. We thought we might find a costume that could be modified for use as Jesus. We didn't think he'd be lucky enough to find a Jesus Costume! We bought some accessories for my costume that would be arriving too.

After the mail arrived, we realized my costume wasn't coming until Monday and had to trek back to the party stores. They were horrendous. The lines were practically as long as the stores themselves, there were huge crowds, screaming children, and practicially every costume I wanted to try on was out of stock. As I was in line, I found myself thinking about how much I hate shopping the day after thanksgiving, or after Christmas because of the ridiculous lines and utter chaos... I was kind of glad my costume was arriving late - it means I won't have to do this again.

We had a great time at the party. EVERYONE was dressed up. The whole place was wonderfully decorated, there were tasty treats and drinks, and Jesus, who came bearing wine, won the costume contest. Here are some lovely photos from the evening. (more are on the "Our Pics" link of the blog)

Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, who reminded me of Teen Wolf, actually.
Yes! I love Rainbow Brite. Here she is escorted by a lovely Power Ranger, who was co-champion with Jesus of Beer Pong. So what are the chances of Jesus *and* Adam & Eve showing up at the same party!?!? Their real names are Adam and Genesis. They won for the most original costumes - they bought a plant at Michael's and just hot glued it all over their underwear. Very impressive. I tried like 15 different costumes before I got this one. All the others were sold out. It actually ended up working quite well, since my date was Jesus. You might be seeing this pic again, oh around the holidays. ;) Overall, it was good times. We left just after the police arrived. whoops. I don't think I've ever been to a party where the police were too. I guess there were some noise complaints. But come on, people, it's Halloween!

1 comment:

kljackson15 said...

I think you might possibly be the prettiest Santa girl ever! Looks like such a great time! The costumes are hilarious.