Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ready for Vacation?? I think so.

Our weekend was pretty blah. Unfortunately, Lane had to go in to work on both Saturday and Sunday. I had grandiose plans of cleaning our entire apartment. Hah! Instead I got sick and felt like crap all weekend. So in the spirit of feeling like crap, I just watched crap on TV. Yes, I'm ashamed to admit that I watched the E! channel and mTV. Suddenly, I snapped out of it and decided to do something to make myself feel better, instead of encouraging the sicky-ness. So I read, took a bubble bath, did some yoga, did a little face mask (complete with cucumber slices over my eyes), took a nap and ate chicken soup. It worked. a little.

Poor Lane goes to work at 6 in the AM every day. I couldn't believe it when he didn't get home until 8 PM yesterday. Total bummer. Hopefully those excruciatingly long days will be few and far between. I made use of this time away by doing the dishes, marinating some meat for tonight's dinner, making salmon patties, fixing his lunch for today and making last night's dinner. I felt like such a little homemaker.

But seriously, the guy needs a break. I can't wait for our decisions to be hmm, should we go to the pool or the ocean today? November 15th can't come soon enough.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to make a big hoopla over Thanksgiving since we'll get back in town on Monday night. But then I started daydreaming about my menu, and I realized how much I love Thanksgiving (and how proud of myself I am for cooking a whole turkey) and that I can't possibly *not* cook a wonderfully large Thanksgiving dinner. After all, I'll have a three day weekend to recover from both vacation, and Thanksiving prep/cooking/overeating.

1 comment:

kljackson15 said...

Poor Lane! You guys definitely need a break, and I'm so excited you have a wonderful vacation to look forward to!

You'll have to let me know your Thanksgiving ideas...it makes me hungry and happy :)