Monday, November 26, 2007

June and October

In June, while Lane and I were in Indiana one night, Lane looked at me and said we should decide when we want to have kids, and it should be soon. I was so surprised and excited to hear this come from him. So I cried.

Later on, we talked about how we wanted me to stay home, and what we'd need to do to make that happen. We decided we'd have to sell our house in CA. This is quite possibly one of the most overwhelming things to figure out, let alone trying to do so from 3,000 miles away. So we procrastinated and did nothing.

In October, we had this moment where we both just realized that if we got pregnant we'd be happy and totally ready to take on the new challenge, adventure, and stage of our lives that a baby would bring. And, that maybe actually having a 9 month deadline would get us into shape to do the things we've been dragging our feet on.

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