Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wacky Weekend

We were supposed to go out to this jazz club called Vegas Lounge on Friday night with some of my co-workers. Lane and I decided to rest up before a night out on the town. Unfortunately, this plan didn't work so well for us, because we ended up just staying home. So, we are old, what can I say?! Sometimes it's just a good idea to have the party start right after work so you don't have a chance to realize how tired you are.

Saturday, we went to an afternoon picnic for Lane's work. It was outdoors with all the bbq food you could ask for, beer and wine, even crab, but I'm not really down with using a hammer to my food and all the mess, so I held back there. It was also super cold. We were all bundled up and stood by the fire. Lane and I decided to jump in the kids bounce house to warm up. It was funny. Trampolines are way better though. We also decided to be the first to use the sumo wrestling costumes... YES, sumo wrestling. So, after I wrestled a while just to get into the costume, I battled against Lane who wrestled his whole childhood (sans the huge costume). Needless to say, he totally kicked my ass. We were laughing so hard, and I kind of didn't want to get out of the costume that enveloped me because I was finally cozy warm. It was so liberating when we did take the costumes off. I could see the ground, i could actually hug Lane. wow. Here we are all sumo'd out:

So at the picnic, we made plans with some of Lane's co-workers to go out later that night in Chinatown. Lane and I went home and sat in the car deciding if we should go upstairs. The reason we had this conversation was that the power was off in our apartment building for the WHOLE day (this was planned). But this meant no hot water, no using the fridge, no lights, and most importantly to those who live on the twelfth floor, NO ELEVATOR!!!! We braved it and I realized quite how out of shape I was.

Later that night we had fun out on the town with Lane's co-worker Wes and his lovely wife Ioana and some of their buddies, one of whom was Jesus for halloween also. What are the chances?!?! I got to see my long lost dear Katie that night also. It has been way too long since we've caught up.

The fiasco began as soon as we left. We were waiting and waiting for the metro, but the yellow line wasn't even on the schedule board. During this time, I realized how much I had to go pee. Lane went upstairs to check on the schedule, and seriously, the second he went up was when the train popped on the schedule, scheduled to arrive in just two minutes. I tried franctically to call him, but it wasn't working. I even yelled his name. The train came, and was waiting an extra long time.. i ran up the escalator to find Lane, but didn't see him, so I went back down. (in this time, unbeknownst to me, Lane ran down the escalator, ran up the platform, looking for me, and since he didnt' see me, he hopped on the train, thinking I was on it also). In the meantime, my urge to pee was growing exponentially by the minute. And the next train wasn't arriving for 13 more minutes. I finally realized Lane was on the train already. He turned around, went back to meet up with me, and made it 1 minute before our train arrived. By this time, I was ready to burst. I'd never had to pee this bad in my whole life. I was also ready to cry, because, well I never had to pee this bad in my whole life. Our train ride was about 10 minutes. After we got off the train, Lane suggested that I pee in the bushes. I was *not* going to pee in the bushes, are you crazy!?!? I started walking away and realized how much I really, really, really, REALLY had to go. So, I walked up a little hill and peed. I can't believe it came to that. I had a glass of wine and a glass of juice, it wasn't like I was drinking all night. so that was a first. But I felt like a new person afterwards. I said, at least I'd have sometime to put in the blog.

Sunday, we did pre-thanksgiving shopping for all those non refrigerated items. And since Lane had to work on Veteran's Day, I decided to be super duper housewife and did laundry, cleaned, organized, cooked, etc. It was so weird to be finished eating dinner before I usually start cooking it.

We have to pack for our trip soon because we leave on Thursday. yay! The very day after we get back, David and CHristianne arrive. That's when we have to do mad thanksgiving grocery shopping and start the cooking bananza.

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