Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Potomac Primary

Good thing about the election - Our polling place is in the party room of our apartment lobby. It's icy and freezing outside, and we don't even have to leave the building to vote.

Bad thing about the election - Lane didn't turn in my change of address form and I forgot to ask him about it, so I couldn't participate :(

Lane went downstairs to vote and before I knew it, he was back. I thought the polls had closed before we were expecting them to or something, but no. He had already voted. It was that quick.
My current goal: turn in the change of address form at the DMV before November. Wow. I am ambitious.

1 comment:

kljackson15 said...

You are so lucky to have it in your building! Mine wasn't far away, but it was also in the basement of an apartment building.