Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Week 20

We're half way there, and I can hardly believe it!

Baby Grover's permanent teeth are starting to form behind the baby ones. Around this week, babies are supposed to start being more active at certain times of the day. I've noticed Baby kicking and moving around in the late mornings, around 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and also around 8 pm or so. By this time, Baby Grover can also hear sounds like my voice, heart beat, and stomach growling. Apparently, Baby Grover can hear outside noises too, and might even put its hands over its tiny ears if a loud sound is made nearby.

I am still feeling really great - totally normal, and regular energy levels, with the exception of some late night leg cramps.

evening update - so of course after I post this, I go to work and feel so yucky I decided to go home at lunch time. I hardly ate anything (soooo unlike me), and I slept all afternoon. So much for feeling normal still. I'm trying to figure out if this is pregnancy related or just some bug, since lots of people at work are sickies.

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