Wednesday, October 1, 2008

La Casa Sin Internet : (

That's right, people! Since Sunday we have been without internet and television. Comcast isn't sending someone out until... you're never going to believe this... SUNDAY. Usually, I wouldn't fret about not having TV. We never watch it. But of course, with the VP debate happening tomorrow night, I'm a little antsy to get my TV back.

I guess it's not that bad. I have lot of errands to get done, like packing for Peru - We leave on Tuesday. David is coming to visit this weekend, so I should clean up and get ready for that. Of course, I haven't done much in either regard. It's hard just to find time to cook and eat and clean up after dinner.

Think good thoughts for our internet. I have fun pictures and stuff that I can't blog until it decides to make an appearance.

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