Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reunion Dinner en Peru

We all got together for dinner at this restaurant called La Dama Juana where they have a buffet of all sorts of Peruvian cuisine, a show with traditional dances and dress and they give you a Pisco Sour, a traditional Peruvian drink. We decided it was the first time in THREE years that our whole family had been together. Last time was at the Grover Goodbye party when we moved to DC, and since then we have two new family members.

We enjoyed being all together for dinner. Here are some fun pics:
Gabriela was totally mesmerized by all the lights, music, dancing and fancy outfits. Just take a look for yourself!
I'm pretty sure Mina had the most fun. She was dancing and clapping her hands and shrieking with delight all night. Lane caught some on video for your viewing pleasure.

One of the traditional dances they did was of a couple dancing and they took turns... uh, trying to light each other on fire with a candle. I'm serious. The best part was when they brought up people from the audience on stage to participate. People like Cynthia and me. First they gave us a candle and we had to try to light the guys on fire, but then they put a little towel on our bottoms and tried lighting US on fire. We were supposed to dance around, but I was running instead. Come on, you would too if someone was trying to light YOUR butt on fire!!!

After the stage cleared and the lights when up, Andrew decided to take his turn dancing on stage. He was a total ham. A little girl joined him up on stage. They were chasing each other around until she grabbed him and gave him a big ol' smooch. We all had a blast that night!


morethangray said...

omg! the video of you shaking your booty is hilarious! you were giving him a run for his candle. i can't believe he actually grabbed you to try to light the were too good for him!!

it looks like you all had a great time! :D

Elena said...

tee hee hee, that was all Cynthia!! Boy, do we look alike :)

morethangray said...

oh noes! i just re-watched the video (with andro) and i realized the error of my ways! whoops. but you two do look a lot alike...

in any case, too silly. :)

Mom said...

Can you tell that we all had a fabulous time? It was too much fun! Cynthia and Elena both on stage trying to avoid getting their butts lit up and Mina absolutely loving the music, Andrew making a play for the little Peruvian girl.
And don't forget the pisco sours. I had my first one the first night there, and several more on different occasions. I had read about the national drink and wanted to try it. I didn't expect to like them so much.