Wednesday, May 5, 2010

AHHH, Freak Out!

So yeah, I'm kind of starting to freak out about the fact that we are leaving in TEN days and that everything, everything needs to be packed and ready to go by Tuesday night. We have one weekend left to see our friends, say goodbyes and pack, pack, pack, and then pack some more!

Did I mention that Gabriela is kind of sick? Apparently we said our goodbyes to the pediatrician's office a little early because we were back on Monday morning. Over the weekend I noticed Gabriela's ear looked a little different - but I couldn't tell if it was just waxy or if there was fluid coming out of it and on Sunday, she seemed to be touching her ear. We didn't want to take any chances so we brought her in to be seen by the doctor. Good thing, because they sent us home with ear drops for her ear, oral antibiotics for her ear infection, and some other medications as well. sigh.

We are lucky that Gabriela seems to be acting like her normal self though - apart from experiencing torture twice daily for her medicine. Although, the weirdest thing happened yesterday. In the middle of flailing her limbs around, whining in protest, and trying her hardest not to swallow, she calmed down and, to our surprise, started chugging her medicine and then ASKED FOR MORE! Still, she's not a fan of having liquid dropped into her ear. Can you blame her?

To top it all off, Poor Baby Girl is working on pushing out not one, or two, or even three, but FOUR teeth.

Wish us loads and loads of luck as we try to perform fancy miracles by finishing all this packing by Tuesday. Our friends are watching Gabriela on Saturday so we hope to accomplish lots then. Friday is our last day of work, and we plan to get even more accomplished on Monday and Tuesday while we are home and Gabriela is still at daycare.


Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

hang in there will all get done. Just start in one room, and pack up that one room...then go to the can do it!

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

And I forgot to mention this: Try ice-cold binkies, or super cold wash clothes...along with oral jel for numbing and children's tylenol...those things seem to help little tykes during teething.

Cynthiaclower said...

Poor mom, daddy AND baby! Best of luck pulling off those miracles. That's too funny about the mid torture chugging sesh. Thinking about u guys

Cynthiaclower said...
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