Saturday, May 1, 2010

Uncle Nate's Ouse

Practically every day, Gabriela asks to go to Uncle Nate's "ouse". We never sat down and told her we are moving and we'll be staying with him at first, but she totally picked up on it. It must have been from hearing our phone conversations. I try to tell her we have to wait, and we need to take an airplane to get there. The next morning, the first thing she said was, "uncle nate's house? airplane?" She is going to be thrilled when we are finally there.

Gabriela was never really into talking on the phone before, but now she sometimes asks to call people like Uncle Noal and especially Mina. She holds the phone and yells, "HI MINA!!!" She climbs into my lap and asks, "Care? Nah-Nee?" so I will show her pictures of her cousins, and she is really good about pointing out who everyone is. Gabriela also is always asking to watch videos of Mina. We took a few one night when Mina was making up jokes to tell us. She's sitting at the dinner table in the videos, so Gabriela asks, "Mina chair? Mina chair?"

When I told my dad this, he said Gabriela realizes she's a part of something bigger now, and it's so true. I can't wait for her to have cousin time all the time, and especially for her birthday party, where most of her cousins will be there with her to celebrate!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sweet we can't wait to have our Gabriela back.