Monday, June 22, 2015

Baby Grover 4.0, week 22

One thing I have been feeling extra nervous about is feeling this baby move.  Already I am a nervous wreck, and I could tell I wasn't feeling movement anywhere near the levels I've felt with my other three babies.

We found out when I had my ultrasound, that I have an anterior placenta. It's right across the top of my belly, so when the baby moves, she kicks the placenta, which acts like a pillow, reducing the sensations I might otherwise feel. So in addition to being super busy with my living kiddos, and especially anxious about noticing that the life inside of me is, indeed still alive, I've got a soft pillow for a placenta preventing me from feeling what I so desperately need. 

Until today. I mean, I can feel subtle movement sporadically. But today, I felt a consistent series of kicks, strong enough to move my belly and actually see it move from the outside. I almost woke Lane up so he could see and feel too. 

This pregnancy is something I have to take day by day. I find it nearly impossible to think clearly about delivering a baby, or what life will be like after this baby arrives. Sometimes, it is even difficult to believe this pregnancy is for real, despite my ever growing front. 

Seeing this baby girl move from the outside of my belly was something fascinating; I mean, isn't it always? But there was something extra special about it for me this time. 

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