Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer Fun, week 1

What better way to start our summer, than with our annual summer fun list. Gabriela was so excited, she couldn't wait to start working on it. I keep seeing extra items on the list like Get New Baby Chicks and Harry Potter Summer Camp. Easton's contributions were Go To Gilroy Gardens, Play Train Tracks, Get Doughnuts, and my personal favorite, Don't Get Into Trouble With The Police. (Gabriela has crossed that one off already.)

Saturday, we met up with the Bushes and had a tie dye party. The kids need a summer wardrobe right? Lane got very fancy and made a skull tie dye shirt. Here are most of our newly dyed creations. 
We had our ultrasound and found out we'd be putting these itty bitty shoes to good use 
I bought them at a thrift store in Santa Barbara, just in case. Easton got a concussion, never a dull moment around here. 

We went swimming several times at the pool we joined this summer. Tons of our homeschool friends have joined as well. It's like the homeschool pool, hardly anyone else is there yet. 

We visited John Muir's home in Martinez with our lovely friends, the Bunkers

We visited a park in Alameda, a favorite of the kids when we lived there. 

Park day was Friday. And we also squeezed in a trip to the library, a trip for a free doughnut, bike riding, and a movie night. 

Summer break is off to a good start. Oh, and as a bonus, I found this photo on my phone

Beautiful pose, Easton. 

That bucket is filled with bath water that we'll be watering our trees with. 

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