Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Easton update

Easton's big news is that he learned to ride his pedal bike on Sunday. While I was comparing homeschool curriculum with other mamas, Easton was practicing his skills at the park across the street with Daddy. I came back to find him going down hills, and pedaling his little self around. What a big three and a half year old! Easton still needs help getting started and he stops himself with his feet, like he did with his skuut. But he sure got it!  Easton keeps telling me he wants to ride his pedal bike at the park and tell all his friends that he can ride a pedal bike. We are proud of him too!

In other Easton news, he seems to have gotten a mild concussion yesterday. My poor baby was sitting in the car, not yet buckled in, and being his independent self, he reached over to try to close the car door for himself. He has done this successfully many times before, but this time the side of his precious face landed on the pavement. Oh, my baby. 

Minutes later, he seemed fine, finished his lunch, listened to some stories in the car read by his loving big sister, and was his normal self. 

Then, at the ultrasound office, he as crying that his head hurt and was sleepy. It was naptime after all, but I was still a little worried about him. 

After we dropped Lane back off at work, I was thinking to myself.  What if something happened to Easton while I was driving? How would I help him? Would Gabriela be able to call 911? Must have been my mama instincts, because the next thing I knew, my poor baby was vomiting all over himself in the car. 

After a quick clean up, and a phone call to the doctor, we had just enough time to  get Easton changed and finish wiping down his car seat before his appointment. 

The doctor had him talk and asked him questions, checked his vision and ability to focus. She said he looked fine, but that I should watch out for abnormal behaviors in the next two weeks that could be a result of his concussion. Things like vomiting, seizures, inability to wake up, you know, those kinds of things. 

We are being extra careful. Easton started acting like himself again immediately after he threw up so I am hoping that was it. 

Monday was a very eventful, nerve ridden  day for our family. 

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