Wednesday, October 24, 2007

C'mon, now!

Yesterday as I was waiting at the station for the metro to yoga class, I had an amusing encounter.

This regular looking man was standing by me. I say regular *looking* and not just regular because I had just heard him say, "I have no idea where I am". (It was 5 pm on Tuesday night, not 2 am on Saturday night.)

Anyway, he said, "hello pretty lady", so I smiled back. He proceeded to say this: "Man, those are beautiful teeth"... and in all seriousness asked, "are those DENTURES?" (???!?!?!?!?!) When I said no, he replied in surprise, "they's yours?! Wow, those are nice". As he walked away, I heard him repeat how he had no idea where he was.

oh my. I can honestly say that until yesterday, no one had ever asked me if I had dentures. I'm not *that* old, people. Needless to say, it gave me a laugh.

p.s. Fall soup making is in full swing. The other night I made a root veggie chowder with parsnips, carrots, onions, celery, potatoes and sweet potatoes and some other tasty items including bacon. mmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

Why did you lie to that nice man?

kljackson15 said...

That's quite hilarious! You really do have purdy teeth!

Yummy soup....