Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gabriela's Newest Developments

Gabriela gives us five and has started to wave.

She also loves to stand up and is so bold as to try to let go. Here are some action photos.

Look how proud she is!!

One handed! That little daredevil!


Gabriela just melted my heart today when she said MAMA to me. She did it several times today. I'd like to think that she actually meant Mama, and wasn't just practicing her "m" sounds. But when she said it, she said it TO me, right before I'd pick her up. It was just darling. We caught some mamamama on video just for you.

When I called my mom to tell her Gabriela said Mama, she thought Gabriela actually said Nana. Gabriela will have lots of practice saying Nana in two weeks when her Nana comes to visit. We can't wait.


banananutmeg said...

oh that was DEFINITELY "MAMA" meant for YOU! Love it!

Theresa said...

Look at that little girl trying to grow up so fast. Didn't you tell she should enjoy her childhood. You really don't want to grow up so fast. Auntie misses you.

The Sylvester Crew said...

So sweet! It was MAMA! Sorry Aunt Maria! She's soooooo cute!!!