Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gabriela the Genius

Over the weekend in Boston, Gabriela surprised us by doing all sorts of fancy things. We borrowed an Old MacDonald Had a Farm book at the library earlier in the week. I never really sang that song to her before. But over the weekend, she'd just start swaying her head and singing E-I-E-I-O. Brilliant. We pause and she tells us what Old MacDonald had on his farm. He sure has a lot of dogs, according to Gabriela.

Gabriela was a big fan of the slide in the tree house at the Boston Children's Museum. When we started couting to go down the slide, she said two and three all on her own!!! Later that night, we were joking that she probably knew how to count in Spanish and we didn't even realize. So I checked. I said uno, and immediately Gabriela replied with DOS.

When we got home, I read her Tails book from the Sylvesters to her and was shocked when Gabriela chimed in to "read" with her mama. I read, "tails rainbow-hued and".... Gabriela lifted the flap and exclaimed, "NIIIIINEY!" before I could say shiny. She was so proud of herself, it was about the cutest thing in the universe.

more on the rest of our trip to Boston coming soon.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Oh man, do we ever miss that little munchkin!!! I'm not sure we will be able to come out this spring - want to come to SB so she can visit with her most favorite doggy in the whole world???? ;-)

xoxoxo - Adie