Thursday, November 5, 2009

Time for some chores

The other night I was in the kitchen and Gabriela kept saying agua. Whenever I'd give her water to her, she was not at all interested. After a few times she started signing up and saying, "up, pup, up". And then it hit me, this girl wanted to do the dishes!

Let the party begin! I put a chair by the sink, put on her apron, put her on the chair, and filled the sink with suds. Gabriela was so excited. She said bubbles and dunked her hands in the sink immediately. She then grabbed for the bottle brush and sponge and started touching all the dishes with the sponge. She sure is paying attention to us in the kitchen. Although the excitement about doing the dishes was all her; she sure didn't learn that part from me.

I turned the water on for her, and when it was off, she did the more sign. Apparently, she wasn't finished doing dishes yet. Don't worry, Gabriela. We will give you lots more opportunities to do the dishes when you get a little older.

And just in case you were wondering, we don't normally waste that much water when we wash the dishes. Gabriela loved it though.

Gabriela decided to sweep the floor when she was done with the dishes. She is such a good little helper!

1 comment:

banananutmeg said...

excellent! This is by far the best benefit to having kids. put her to work. She'll have you a new rocking horse made and all the laundry folded by sunrise.