Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CA Visit - Friday

Friday morning Nana and Gabriela enjoyed some time on the swing set at Steve's.
Steve let Gabriela and Andrew feed his fish. She really got a kick out of this.
Gabriela and Auntie Tati
Uncle David, Auntie Tati, Andrew, Gabriela, and Lane and I went to Gavilan College to spot some ducks. We also found some turtles and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

California Poppies

Lane and I were like tourists in our old home town, stopping at the side of the road to take pictures of how pretty it was.
Then we went to Christmas Hill Park and enjoyed some time on the playground before going to In-N-Out. David hadn't been yet on his trip, and we didn't want him to be lonely!

Later that afternoon Theresa and my mom and I went to this totally fabulous place and got wonderful pedicures. They served us tea and snacks and brought us sparkling cider and gave us hot pads for our shoulders and backs. We had nice restful and relaxing girl time.

Then the little girls had a bath all together. Look how excited they are! Caetlin even joined in the fun.
Cynthia stayed in our room with us and she and Lane and I stayed up until the middle of the night just catching up.