Tuesday, April 27, 2010

More Cousin Fun - CA Visit - Thursday

Auntie Cynthia was crushed when she heard she might miss the kids' visit to the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. We rescheduled so she could join in the fun. Everyone had a blast.Here's Andrew the Firefighter. The kids loved playing on this fire truck. Gabriela adores fire trucks, but she must love steps even more. She climbed up and down the steps over and over again. I'm not even sure she realized there was a fire truck at the top of the steps. At least she had fun!
Gabriela the painter
Uncle Tim and Mina building a fort

Andrew and Gabriela and Auntie Cynthia spent TONS of time at this sand station with beakers and funnels and measuring cups. I think Gabriela may have enjoyed it even more than the steps!
Some of our museum crew

Auntie Kristie and Baby Caetlin enjoyed the museum too.
Bubble Time!

We took a lunch break outside where there is a huge field of grass right in front of the museum. We brought a feast with us and then took turns chasing the kids and letting them run wild.
Our fearless child

Gabriela enjoyed the water exploration center. Although, she constantly tried dipping her hands in the water and then into her mouth for a drink. After the water station, the kids were soaked. Thanks, Auntie Kristie for suggesting we bring a change of clothes! We went outside to the garden area before going home so the kids could dig around, smell the flowers, and water the plants.
Before we left, I had to have my picture taken with this exhibit. The girl's name is Elena!

You will not be surprised to hear that Gabriela practically passed out the instant we got on the road and had a very long nap.I just love cousin time. Looking forward to many more days like this after our move.

We stayed up really late that night talking with my dad, David, Tati, and Matthew.

1 comment:

morethangray said...

Sounds like this was a fantastic day! I'm so happy that Gabriela is getting to spend so much time with her family, and clocking some serious oxytocin ;]