Friday, April 30, 2010

CA Visit - Saturday

After staying up into the wee hours chatting with my sister, Cynthia, we awoke bright and early to attend Andrew's first soccer game ever. When Theresa told me he had a game, I asked if Andrew had had any practices yet, and she said nope. This was the very first time they'd be playing. We knew we were in for a treat. How could we miss it?!?!

My parents tell stories about David in little league as a kid, and how he'd pick daisies in La-La Land instead of paying attention to the game. I think Andrew may have inherited that trait from Uncle David. Here he is, twirling around and totally oblivious to the fact that other kids are chasing a ball.

Auntie Cynthia was showing Gabriela how to cheer him on. She is fascinated by balls and always comments when she sees "people running"so she got into it.

I think it was just a little overwhelming for Andrew. He'd never practiced before, had a bunch of other kids around and a big audience. During half-time/snack-time, he got in some time kicking the ball around.
The other team had clearly practiced. Here they are, all lined up for their turn to kick the ball before the game resumed.
After the game, my mom went home because she wasn't feeling so well. The rest of us went out for a sushi feast. We had a lot to celebrate - a fabulous visit, our last day with the Clower fam, Tim got a nice raise at work the day before, and of course to kick off the soccer season. We missed you, Uncle David and Auntie Tati.

If you know our Clower family, you know that while we are good at many things, moderation is not one of them. It is quite possible that the restaurant ran out of fish before dinner time that night. See for yourself:

Fo'real. The crazy part? We ate it. ALL. It was amazing. The kids were great. Mina somehow managed to pick up a roll with her chopsticks and get it into her mouth and Gabriela was a huge fan of the tofu. She liked it so much, the waitress brought out an entire bowl for her. Gabriela couldn't eat it fast enough, until she discovered how funny it was to shoot a cube of tofu out of her mouth onto the table. Bye, bye Tofu.


After nap time and miraculously fitting all our new purchases and gifts for Gabriela into our suitcases, we headed back up to Oakland.

We got in some extra cousin time with Chaney and Beau. Auntie Ann and Uncle Jesse came to visit for dinner, and Grandma and Grandpa stopped by on their way back to Gilroy from Paradise. We stayed up late again talking with Nate and Meliss. And we would have taken more photos, but we left the memory card in the card reader at my mom's house. whoops.

So there you have it - one month later, and only a little tidbit of all the photos we took, that was our visit to CA. We had a wonderful trip.

As you can see, it was so completely jam-packed, we weren't able to squeeze in any time for friend visits, BUT we're coming back in two weeks and we'll have plenty of time to see you all then. Can't wait!

1 comment:

Barrett, Melinda, Angel Trinity, and Baby Zander said...

Family time is important anyways. LOVE how you guys piled high on the sushi! We love sushi! Good luck packing and moving back to Cali!!!