Sunday, April 25, 2010

CA Visit - Monday

Auntie Theresa came over first thing in the morning with a little easter package for Gabriela.
Gabriela worked hard on building this helicopter.
Since I was crushed about missing the National Cherry Blossom festival, I took a photo of the cherry blossoms in my dad's orchard.
Andrew and Gabriela ran across the vineyard and played on the neighbor's playground
Tim and Kristie and the girls came over and I finally got to meet baby Caetlin.
Tim and Lane played guitar together while Mina and Andrew danced.
Auntie Theresa facilitated Gabriela's reunion with M&Ms.
Our attempt at getting a photo of the girls in their matching jammies from Auntie Theresa.
This was as good as it got.

Before I even arrived, Theresa and I were planning a Banana Republic Outlet shopping excursion. Imagine my delight when I found out that everything in the entire store was 40% off!!!! AND, since Theresa works at Old Navy, we got an EXTRA 30% off. It couldn't have been better. I stocked up. So did Lane. I called Cynthia to tell her how excited I was for me, and sorry for her that she was arriving after the sale ended. She advised me to go right back and pick clothes up for her. Theresa and I did our sisterly duty and shopped for Cynthia. We both shockingly found a couple more items for ourselves while we were at it. Yay for sister time.

Late that night my dad got out the boxes and boxes of old family photos. We looked through them together and he told stories while we enjoyed some vineyard wine. mmm.

1 comment:

morethangray said...

hot dang! the super sale was a winner!

your family get-together(s) are awesome, full of warmth, happiness and joy.