Thursday, October 13, 2011

Busy Busy. Super Catch Up Post

We are recovering from a week of super fun and exciting, yet exhausting activities.

Auntie Cynthia came in for a nice visit last week from Boston. Gabriela and I picked her up from the airport. We went out for lunch, ice cream, and then we all took a nap together before taking Auntie Cynthia to the train station so she could get to Gilroy. Gabriela complained the whole way home that Auntie Cynthia wasn't spending the night.

On Thursday, G and I drove down to Gilroy after preschool so we could spend some more time there. We were pleasantly surprised with a giant Fakesgiving dinner, complete with lots of cousin time for Gabriela.

Friday we had a double birthday party for my parents. My brother Tim was a total rockstar and made us all an amazing carnitas dinner. YUM.  It was delish. After Gabriela's brilliant suggestion, Kristie put together a piƱata for Nana and Papa to smash open.  Now that was entertainment.

Saturday morning was extremely eventful because we were getting play by play updates via text message from Grandpa about Auntie Ann's new baby! Sweet baby Nolan was born on Saturday morning. He is a total doll and we can't wait to meet him.  When Gabriela saw his picture she said, "awww, I love that cousin!!!"

In all the Baby Nolan excitement, I forgot I was supposed to be getting ready to drive back up to Alameda that morning. We got up to Alameda just in time for Lane to take Gabriela to her friend's birthday party and for me to get cleaned up and rested for my baby shower.

What a day.  New baby nephew and a baby shower for me. Meliss was amazing, as usual and put together such a fun, beautiful and memorable afternoon.  More on the baby shower later and hopefully some pics too.  It was so sweet to have my friends and family together to celebrate this new baby we will be welcoming soon.

Seriously, it's going to be soon. 30 days left officially. It's kind of making me nervous. I don't know if I'm just freaking out, or if my body is telling me something but I feel like this baby might make an early arrival.

As such, I've been doing crazy things like freezing meals, organizing and finding homes for all the new baby things we have, crafting for baby Nolan, packing a diaper bag, washing lots of clothes, reading about infant care, Christmas shopping, making lists like nobody's business, cleaning and cleaning some more, and wondering why everything is still messy, messy again? I don't know.

Gabriela was thrilled to host her big cousin, Claire for a sleep over on Saturday night. The girls slept together. I was thrilled because Gabriela stayed in bed all night, after all, she already had a cuddlebug. She came in my room fully dressed around 8:30 and asked if she and Claire could do a baking project. Gladly! I got out a recipe, found the ingredients and just let them get to work. Claire made a delicious berry coffee cake. One of our favorites.  She and I bake that recipe together often. So glad that they got some extra cousin time.

I had my 36 week appointment today. Baby Brother is still head down, but appears to be in the "sunny side up" position (total technical term), which basically means that his back is facing the same direction as mine. If he stays this way up until the end, it could mean that more back labor is in my future. But I have 4 more weeks, and he moves around a lot. If he continues to remain in this position, I can start doing exercises to coax him into a more pleasant position for delivery. I had to do this with Gabriela (though it was during labor) and it worked, so I am confident we can do it this time around too, if necessary.

Oh, and today I'm all stuffy and my throat hurts. You just shouldn't be allowed to get sick when you are NINE months pregnant.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Busy lady! I hope you feel better, I was feeling all sicky like this morning too. Boo for germs.