Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Busy Busy

Today we did just about everything I hoped we would, and it was a lot (at least for a pregnant lady).

We visited the midwife.  I love how Gabriela says the midwives are really careful with babies.  She told me she was the midwife and asked what I wanted her to do. She checked my blood pressure and then left the exam room for a minute and then returned, you know, like the midwives do.  Baby is doing great. He is scrunched up in my uterus and, while he is down low, he's not engaged in my pelvis yet. Midwife says squatting and walking will help him get there. His heartbeat is nice and strong and I'm one whole cm dilated. 

We rushed home to have a snack and pack lunch for a playdate at Fairyland. It was a gorgeous day and I felt so proud for actually being out and about enjoying the weather and having Gabriela romp around outside with her friends. Because, let's face it folks, I've been exhausted. Who wants to play outside or go to the park when you can take a nap? This leads me to feel like a total slacker mommy. So running around at Fairyland was great for us both. 

Gabriela and I totally passed out after that for a few hours, and then we picked up a few items at the market to make pizza. My friend Kiera was so sweet to share a batch of her homemade pizza dough with us. It made our job much easier. So we ate heirloom tomato, basil and goatcheese pizza for dinner.

And then we hopped in the car for an evening hospital tour. I was beginning to think we might not make it there before the delivery. It was nice to acquaint ourselves with the facility, and I think we are going to have a very good experience there. Gabriela was a total champ.  We told her it's her job to tell Auntie Liss that they need to go to the third floor. I sure hope she remembers.

After we got home, Gabriela and I finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Lane put together the co-sleeper. Then I made a bunch of ghost and pumpkin shaped rice krispie treats for Gabriela's halloween trick-or-treating at preschool.

I really wanted to sew Gabriela a trick-or-treating bag with this darling halloween fabric I have. I am still toying with the idea of putting it together tonight. Not sure if I have it in me, but I really wanted her to have that bag for tomorrow. sigh.

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