Tuesday, October 18, 2011

gabriela says...

G: Auntie Cynthia, are you four?
Me: Gabriela, your friend Olivia is four.  How old do you think Auntie Cynthia is?
G (after much thought): A hundred????   ... Can you drive?!??!

"Are Nana and Papa going to have a piñata at their birthday party?"

"Okay, I'm going now but I'll be back in a few whiles!"

"But I don't want Auntie Cynthia to go to Switzerland because then I won't be able to cuddle with her!!"

"Mommy, I want to be a kid forever. I don't want to grow up because then my dresses won't fit me anymore"  (for the record, she hardly ever even wears her dresses!)

(as we are laying in bed trying to fall asleep)
"Actually, how about we talk about mammals in the jungle"

"But Mommy, I don't have a lot of cards in MY wallet, so you need to share"

"I super, duper, really want to cuddle with you!!!"  (how can I say no to that???)

As we were walking into Costco, I asked Lane to take his AmEx out, G explained:
"And we ask 'do you take american express' and the workers always say no!"

"Do workers sleep?"

1 comment:

morethangray said...

Please tell Gabriela that I will definitely talk about mammals in the jungle, any time she wants.