Friday, February 13, 2009


Okay, I know I've promised recipes to some of you readers recently. I'm posting this so you know I haven't forgotten and also to give you a chance to harass me if you don't see them coming soon.

Be on the look out for a pot pie recipe (which freezes well)
twice baked potatoes
and some mexican chile madness, which also freezes well ;)

Sorry I've been slacking on the recipe love lately.


Mom said...

Did you forget Lane's "signature dish"?

Anonymous said...

and how about Lane's special cookie recipe? or is that top secret?

banananutmeg said...

ooooh mexican dishes PLEASE! I can't get enough right now. Yum.

YEah, and ANYthing that freezes well.
how about if you just come here and cook carnitas FOR me? Bring your papers, I'll organize while you cook. Deal?

Elena said...

Girl! if I didn't live so far away, I would TOTALLY take you up on that offer!!!!!