Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Interesting Grocery Store Trip

Today I got all brave and decided to take Gabriela to the grocery store, just the two of us. As soon as I buckled her in her carseat she spit up all over the place. No prob, Bob. I cleaned it up, and off we went.

Then as I was trying to get her situated in the BabyBjorn, I noticed a little something stinky. Gabriela had pooped her pants on the way to the store. So, I get ready to change our first poopy diaper in the car and realize that it's a blow out. Both her shirt and her pants got a little poopy. And this was, of course, one of the very few times I didn't have a change of clothes for her in the diaper bag. I wiped her clothes as best as I could and proceeded to drop things all over the store and pick them up with a little baby strapped to my front.

And, just for kicks, as we got out of the car, Gabriela spit up all over again. I swear, there's never a dull moment!


banananutmeg said...

Aw MAN I hadn't even THOUGHT about what going to the grocery store with THREE is gonna be like! Crap!
Literally! Trips to walmart actually DO involve crap somehow.
It IS amazing how much more you "prepare" to go grocery shopping when you are taking little ones with you. It is much harder to focus on the task at hand and if you walk into the lions den without a plan and a list you will inevitably fail the mission and, at best, forget 2 things. Taking kids with me has forced me to have very specific lists so I can get in and outta there as quickly as possible!
I bet Gabriella enjoyed looking at all the food with mommy. It is good preparation for her as she will probably grow up learning to cook up delicious recipes like you!

The Sylvester Crew said...

Poop! I had a Sunday/Monday full of vomit! Michele was sick but is all better now. Thank goodness. . .I have clinicals tomorrow!