Sunday, October 11, 2015

Capture Your Grief - Day 11. Glow In The Woods

Today I want to honour the beautiful writers at Glow In The Woods, past and present. This was the first place I found on the internet where I could read about other parents experiences with grief. They were literally my light in the darkness. When we become bereaved, in the beginning, many of us look outwards for help. We set out in the darkness of night with a blanket and a lantern in search of others like us. Along the road we usually find someone or something and it is with that discovery that we can walk this road with understanding company and with that, we watch the sun begin to rise over our worlds again. Who was your glow in the woods? Share some resources that have aided you in your healing journey. It may be a website, charity, organization, a person/teacher/therapist/new friend etc. Whatever it is, share what is so wonderful about that resource and how it has helped you. Please feel welcome to share links so that others can benefit.


When Simone died, of course I was broken. I was so completely blind sighted. Who did this even happen to? Full term health babies didn't just die. I couldn't believe it. 

But then the stories started coming in. No one ever talks about it before. I realized there was comfort in hearing others' stories, what happened to other parents and their babies, all the emotional responses, the frustrating things people said to them, how could people act like this never even happened, things that other people who haven't experienced this kind of loss just don't get.  

I started reading books - collections of baby loss stories. Always Within, Three Minus One. I filled up my Facebook feed with articles from Still Standing Magazine, A Bed For My Heart, Pregnancy After Loss Support, Return To Zero, Carly Marie. It all helped me understand I was not alone, gave me hope regarding how I would survive through this loss, that the feelings I had were completely normal and that there were people out there who truly understood. 

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