Friday, June 27, 2008

Delivery Concerns

Everything seems to be going great with the pregnancy. I still don't feel yet like I need to get this baby out of me, but ran into a few little concerns yesterday at my doctor appointment.

My doctor talked about scheduling an induction date, just in case. She said the hospital likes to schedule them two weeks in advance, and I could wait as long as a week past my due date, and it's okay if we don't need the appointment after all, but we should still make plans for it. Here I was, calm as could be about going for the whole natural childbirth thing, and the next thing I know, I'm picturing myself hooked up to pitocin and constant fetal monitoring - exactly what I'm hoping to avoid. Not only that, I'd have to pick a date that is right after my due date because I really, really, really want the baby to be born by the time my mom gets here (July 21st).

Second concern is that as I was making my doctor appointment for the week after next, I found my doctor wasn't available for any of the days I needed. So I asked the appointment scheduling lady what was going on. She went and asked the doctor who confirmed that she'll be on vacation from July 7 to July 11th. Uh, thanks for letting me know, lady. I understand that people go on vacation - it's summer after all. But finding out directly from the doctor would have been nice. Especially since Lane and I were discussing her on call schedule with her just that very afternoon so we'd have an idea of who we'd be working with depending on what day we went to the hospital. It's not like she doesn't know when I'm due. That really annoyed me.

Instead of worrying about which doctor will be there, I just need to focus on what I can do to make it the best experience I can. I'm really hoping to encourage this little girl to arrive early rather than late. Wish us luck!!

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