Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 36

On the one hand, I feel like I have a month left to go, which is comforting because there are still many things to be done before this baby is born - finish up our room, install the car seat, find the pediatrician, take a load of stuff to goodwill so baby items fit in our closets, cook and freeze food so we can eat after baby arrives, clean, clean some more, etc.
On the other hand, it could really be much less time. Our child birth class instructor had her baby when she was 36 weeks and 4 days pregnant! It's so hard to believe that we could have our baby any time now. So yesterday I did the only thing that seemed reasonable and necessary given this impending deadline - I got a pedicure. Heavenly.
Over the weekend I (mostly) packed our bag for the hospital. There are a few more things I need to get together, but don't worry, I have a list inside the bag of the last remaining things we need. We also made a huge trip to Babies R Us and bought loads of things that we'll need and thanks to our generous family and co-workers, we paid for it all with gift cards!!
Baby Grover was "head down" at my last doctor appointment. I start going every week from now on. It's so amazing to think that she already has hair on her head, her finger and toe nails are all done, and that she probably has little dimples on her arms and legs. We're excited to meet her.

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