Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cubicle Love Part Three

We love decorating cubicles at work, as you can see in previous posts (June and probably April or May). Clearly, we eagerly jumped to the challenge when a CONTEST was announced in honor of the holiday spirit. Our early enthusiasm was also our downfall. People saw our outstanding decoration skills, got inspired and took it to the next level, leading the entire area to complete and utter decoration mayhem. It was fun to see everyone participating. Here are some photos of our creations: Yes, we handmade all the snowflakes hanging from the ceilings.
It may be hard to tell, but we wrote all our names on the stockings and handmade this fireplace as well.
The outer walls of our cubes were covered in wrapping paper and we had two end tables with Almond Rocca, Peppermint Rocca, and Christmas cookies, which we shamelessly offered to the judges. One of my colleagues even wrapped up little boxes of chocolates as gifts for the judges. Speaking of shamelessness, I even complimented a judge on her Christmas sweater. We had Christmas songs playing, and were even continuously running a video of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
In true Red Cross style, the judges decided they couldn't just award 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes, but rather gave some sort of prize to each participating group. We won for most creative.

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