Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Unexpected Doctor Visit

Yesterday morning I ready my weekly pregnancy email from webmd which advised that I might have a little cramping due to stretching ligaments. And, boy, did I feel what they were talking about.

This dull aching lasted all through the day, especially on one side. I started wondering if this was really normal, or not. I went to bed and still, the next morning I felt this continuous aching especially in my left side. So I did what any sane person would do, research on the internet. Researching things on the internet when you think something is wrong is never a good idea, but I did it anyway and read all about ectopic pregnancies and how they are usually noticeable in the 6-8 week range. That’s right where I am. Not good.

All this time, I hadn’t even really considered the possibility of something going wrong. Suddenly, my mind was flooded with all the bad results and reactions and telling people, having to explain our Christmas gifts to our parents, and whatnot. I decided to test the after hours telephone line at my dr’s office and it worked out great. You leave a message, and are supposed to receive a call back within 10 to 20 minutes. I got a call back 4 minutes later. The doctor was very friendly and recommended that I make an appointment to come in today. She said she would advise the staff that we spoke and make sure they’d fit me into today’s schedule. I called right when the office opened, advised them of my conversation and they scheduled me for this afternoon with the doctor I spoke with this morning.

I am still feeling this pain, and having better feelings about everything being okay. I thought it would be better to have them tell me it was nothing, than to assume it wasn’t anything and find myself regretting not contacting them.


Well, having just returned from the doctor, I can safely say that everything is a-okay. I had a culture taken, a blood test for Cystic Fibrosis, and a sonogram. It was so weird to see with my very own eyes that there is actually a little rascal growing in there. The heart rate was 144, which the doctors say is normal. I’ll post Baby Grover’s photo debut shortly. According to the "crown to rump" measurements, I'm 9 weeks along, although the doctor said we should stick with the original due date of July 22, 2008. That's right, one day before our wedding anniversary and four days after my birthday.

I went in early because I was worried about the pain, which is normal, they say. Lane was supposed to go with me to the 12/21 appointment, but the doctor said I should just cancel that one and schedule another one for 4 weeks from now. I didn’t have a sonogram last time because I wanted Lane to be there, and now I ended up having one without him there anyway which I was really disappointed about. I needed to get it done to make sure everything was all good, and thank goodness it is. Lane was really sweet. He said it was okay, and that he's just glad his babies are okay. :-)

I’m going in for a Down Syndrome testing sometime in the next couple of weeks. I believe they do sonograms for those as well. Hopefully, Lane can come along for that appointment.

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