Sunday, March 16, 2008

Easy Delicious Breakfast

Lane and I have rediscovered the wonder that is oatmeal. Okay, I admit it. It doesn't sound terribly exciting. But it can be! I cook dried fruit up with the oats - usually cranberries and chopped apricots. This gives them a chance to get all nice and plump. After your oats are cooked (like 5 minutes), serve it up in bowls. You can add in cinnamon, fresh ground nutmeg, some fresh fruit (like a diced peach or banana), and my favorite addition that I learned from my sister, Cynthia: a heaping tablespoon of peanut butter. Some chopped nuts on top never hurt anyone either. It's so delicious AND flavorful without any butter or sugar. Although, Lane likes to drizzle his with honey.

A couple times a week, I'll bring a ziploc bag to work with my measured out oats, dried fruit, cinnamon and nutmeg, dump it in a mug with water and cook it in the microwave for 2 minutes. mmmm.

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