Monday, March 31, 2008

Cooking with our nieces

Claire learned about packing brown sugar and how much tastier nuts are when you toast them on Saturday morning when she made a mixed berry coffee cake for breakfast (with a little help from Auntie Elena).

The girls created their own pizzas one night. They had fun shaping the dough and, of course, eating their masterpieces.
Uncle Lane taught Natalie all about his special recipe for oatmeal chocolate chip cookies - the infamous recipe that once resulted in two people getting into a fist fight at work and getting fired(seriously).

One of my favorite moments was at breakfast on Sunday, where after eating chocolate chip pancakes Uncle Lane made and some breakfast potatoes and asparagus and smoothies Claire exclaimed, "Awww, man!! I don't want to be full!!!"

The girls are really good eaters - they are gobbling up all of Auntie Elena's concoctions. Of course, we've been doing much more than eating. More on the rest of our adventures later!


Anonymous said...

I'm probably going to need the story and the recipe for those cookies:)

morethangray said...

i'm with malia! what's the recipe? er, and the story?!

the girls are adorable! the grover gene shines in their white-blonde hair and pixie faces.

Patrick and Crystal said...

The girls are so cute! That's so fun that you got to visit with them. They look just like Ian!