Thursday, March 13, 2008

Exercise???? Huh??

So yeah, I've been totally slacking in the exercise department. According to everything I read, pregnant ladies are supposed to exercise for 30 minutes each day. I've never been one for the whole exercise/working out thing. And when I read about those 30 minutes I should be exercising every day, I can't help but wonder if walking to the metro counts?? (pretty please???)

In the fall I completed a whole series of twelve 1.5 hr yoga classes. They were totally awesome. But I didn't sign up for the next level of classes because I thought I wouldn't be able to fully participate in all the poses. Of course, last week some of my friends who also go to the same yoga studio said they have pregnant ladies in their classes all the time!! I wish I'd talked to them sooner.

I even bought prenatal yoga videos to do at home, but who was I kidding??? I've done the workout like three times.

Anyway, the good news after all this is that I just found out that George Washington Hospital has prenatal yoga classes! I signed up for the April classes, and if I enjoy it as much as I think I will, I'm going to sign up for May and June. It couldn't be any more convenient. The hospital is RIGHT next to the metro stop I get off at to go to work - it's no extra metro or walking, and exactly what I've been looking for. I only wish I'd discovered it sooner.

Wish me luck, as I try to venture into the world of exercise.

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