Friday, March 28, 2008

They're here!!!

Lane and I joined ZipCar this week so we could pick up our guests for this week, whom we've been been so eagerly awaiting. Zipcar was a snap! The registration was approved immediately, Lane picked up the ZipCard the next day. When we saw Ian & Adie's flight was arriving early, we were able to adjust our reservation without any problems. I'm looking forward to also using Zipcar for transporting CraigsList baby purchases over the next several months too!

But really, I'm not here to blog about Zipcar. Ian, Adrienne, Claire & Natalie are *finally* here! It's so wonderful to see them. They arrived at our house just as I finished making dinner. The girls were quiet and shy at first, but within 30 minutes they were bouncing around and giggling. We can't believe how big they are! And sweet as ever.

I cooked up some Mexican fiesta madness, along with my newfound dessert delight - buñuelos. Everyone gobbled down their whole dinner and we just chit-chatted and the girls talked to and read stories to my belly.

Today it was hard to leave for work with a houseful of family I wanted to hang out with. I left them warm banana crunch muffins so they could start their day off right. I can't wait to hear how their DC exploring goes!!

I'm sure we'll have tons of pictures to post soon!!

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