Thursday, July 3, 2008

Report on Last Weekend

We just chilled out on Friday and watched some Netflix. Saturday we got up early to attend an Infant and Child CPR class, and on the way back, stopped at FOUR different grocery stores. That's right. It was a little out of control. We kept forgetting items, or a store was out of something we needed. When we got home, we installed the car seat, lugged all the groceries upstairs, put them away, and promptly collapsed and napped for several hours. After we were well rested, we hung up baby stuff on the walls, and I finally made a decent dinner.

I've just been pooped this last stretch of the pregnancy and I'm not really into the whole cooking thing. What's funny is Lane's co-workers are even noticing. He (almost) always brings his delicious smelling leftovers, and they are very surprised if they see him actually buy his lunch. So yeah, I look back on those days of fabulous weeknight dinners fondly. They probably won't be returning any time soon.

Anyway, Saturday night Lane bbq'd some chicken and I sautéed some fresh spinach greens with balsamic vinegar, I also cooked this delicious whole grain mix from Trader Joes - brown rice, black barley and some other lovely grains in a garlic chile sauce and chicken stock. We had a scrumptious salad that was almost like dessert - spinach, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, pecans, bleu cheese, and a citrus berry vinaigrette, courtesy of Lane. It was impeccable.

We sat down for dinner, and through the blinds, it suddenly looked like a strobe light was flashing outside. It was immediately followed by an enveloping, ridiculously loud and very long monstrous clap of thunder. It wasn't even raining outside. Moments later, the pouring rain began. The sky constantly lit up throughout the rest of the evening. We put the blinds up all the way, lit some candles and enjoyed our dinner along with the amazing thunder and lightning storm.

Sunday morning brought us outside a little earlier than we had anticipated - 5:30 to be exact. Yes, that's when the fire alarm went off in our building and I walked down 12 flights of stairs. After a little more rest we prepared for our afternoon of gaming fun. Some friends came over for games and lunch. We all had a great time. I figured it was probably our last chance to entertain for a while.

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